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Using document commands

The ribbon for document property pages contains icons that perform actions on the selected document. Visibility of the icons depends on your access rights to the document.

To run a document command:

  1. Open the document's property page as described in Viewing and editing document properties.
  2. In the ribbon, click the icon of the command that you want to run.

The following table lists all of the potential document commands.

Document commands
Command Description


Attach>Add files

Opens a file dialog with which you can select files on your computer to upload to the document.

Attach>Add files from template

Opens a view for selecting a file template to add to the document.

Attach>Add/Edit text file

Opens a simple text editor for editing the currently attached text and HTML files or for adding a new text or HTML file to the document.

Attach>Add URL

Adds a web page link (URL) to the document.


Deletes selected attached files and URLs.



Click to edit the document properties.


Deletes the document and its attached files and URLs as described in Deleting documents.


Locks the document as described in Locking and unlocking documents.

Change status

Changes the status of the document.

New version

Creates a new version of the selected document.

Version history

Lists the actions that have been performed on the active version of the document.


Lists the actions that have been performed on all versions of the document.

Create subdocument

Creates a subdocument as described in Creating subdocuments.



Shows the Clipboard contents.


Clears the Clipboard and adds the selected document to the clipboard.


Adds the selected document to the Clipboard without clearing the Clipboard contents.

Paste Link

Links the Clipboard contents to the selected document.



Sends the document to other Project Portal users or groups by email. This command is only visible if you have specified an email address as described in Changing personal properties.


Subscribes you to the folder to receive change notifications as described in Subscribing to and unsubscribing from items.

Add comment

Adds a new comment to the document.

View comments

Shows the comments that have been added to the document. This command is only available if comments have been added to this document.


List profiles

Opens a new page that shows the active access control profile assigned to the document and the rights for each group.

List roles

Shows the list of roles defined in the workspace.

Edit role access

Click to add or remove role access rights to the document.

Related concepts

Working with documents

Understanding minor versions

Working with comments and discussions

About transferring properties with Office documents

About change notifications

About security rights

About item linking

Working with the Clipboard

About the Office Connector

About life cycles and status

Related tasks

Viewing and editing document properties

Creating documents

Deleting documents

Creating subdocuments

Locking and unlocking documents

Viewing prior versions

Creating a new version

Viewing history

Exporting properties and files

Changing the current status